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Votes Reset in 13 days, 10 hours and 58 minutes.

Votes: 0
Allure of darrkness

1864 Stefan and Damon Salvatore. They are not only brothers, but best friends. As Katherine Pierce draws Salvatore property changes. Brothers, to fall in love at first sight the brunette beauty and fight for their attention begins. Both Katherine try...

Category: Fantasy
Votes: 0
Dawn of Olympus

Cronus, Uranus, Hades, Jason, Medea. Do these names ring a bell or have something in common Here you have all the common figures associated with death, destruction, war and misfortune within Greek mythology. But not here. Although these darklings may...

Category: Fanfiction
Votes: 0
Worlds FinestDC RP

Welcome to Worlds Finest, one of the finest roleplays you are bound to come across Made by the Triumvirate Dio, Rage and Serizawa This T-1 RP is based primarily in the DC Universe, in particular one of its many and endless timelines. Taking place after...

Category: Fanfiction
Votes: 0
The Killing Moon

The Killing Moon is a Riddle-era AU Jcink Premium RP site set in 1956. We welcome new players, creativity and flexibility with canons. We support characters and players of all races, sexualities and gender identities and offer an inclusive and plot-heavy...

Category: Harry Potter
Mass Effect: From Ashes

from ashes is a 3-3-3, 18+ mass effect au roleplay site set in 2167, in a pre-shepard milky way galaxy. we are set ten years after the events at shanxi and the first contact war. with a focus on the building relationships between all of the sentient...

Category: Sci-Fi
Votes: 0
32nd Honored Brothers

Think Halo meets Band of Brothers. A Sci-Fi epic that follows Kilo Company's fabled Drop Corps as they fight to keep peace within Humanity's systems. Several Campaigns are already completed and WE WANT YOU to join us on our next campaigns.

Category: Sci-Fi
Votes: 0
Arena Arcadia

A writing game / fighting game drawing on any and all fiction. Equip your original character with weapons and other gear from movies, video games, cartoons and more. Compete in one on one bouts for glory, championships and stories.

Category: General
Votes: 0
Starry Road

An original roleplay forum set in the world of the Super Mario games.

Category: Fanfiction
Votes: 0

A open roleplay site based in LA in which people can be who they want to be, a celebrity, criminal, ordinary person.

Category: Modern
Votes: 0
Marvel Redemption

We are an AU set in 2018. The world is torn on both sides and anti mutant and anti enhanced crimes are at an all time high.

Category: Sci-Fi
Votes: 0
Allegory of Empires

Allegory of Empires is an independent community dedicated to the art of storytelling through immersive text-based roleplay. This Renaissance-era theater boasts tiered social systems, comprehensive classes, and overarching storylines that invite players...

Category: General
Votes: 0
Allegory of Empires

Join the Allegory of Empires today and become a vital thread in the fabric of the story as it unfolds before your very eyes; a tale filled with love, loss, mystery, and above all else, growth. Deception and intrigue hide in a web as twisted as the city...

Category: Historical
Votes: 0
Hogwarts by Night

harry Potter, Call of Cthulhu, based in the Old World of Darkness. Cursed child Era. Game originally created in 2003!

Category: Harry Potter
Votes: 0
Shadow of our Eyes

An original supernatural site that allows beginning to advance players. No word count. No activity check. And an easy app to fill out.

Category: Modern
Votes: 0
To Walk Among Us

So the Gods existed? They walked among us for all our lives and though many of their exploits are recorded for the humans, we stopped hearing about them for one reason or another. But that didn't stop them being here- it's just that no one...

Category: Fantasy
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