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60,000+ Members - RolePlayer is a social site where you can create characters and develop storylines through collaborative creative expression.

Member Since: 2013-09-17 13:15:46
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Daily Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 0.0 0.0 22.8 22.8 2.3 2.4
Today 0 0 16 16 0 0
Yesterday 0 0 49 49 0 0
February 15 0 0 16 16 3 3
February 14 0 0 16 16 1 1
February 13 0 0 16 16 1 1
February 12 0 0 16 16 1 1
February 11 0 0 16 16 4 4
February 10 0 0 16 16 7 8
February 09 0 0 49 49 2 2
February 08 0 0 18 18 4 4
Highest 9,144 650,329 376 617 200 227
Weekly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 0.0 0.0 125.5 125.6 9.1 10.4
This Week 0 0 49 49 0 0
Last Week 0 0 145 145 17 18
Week 06 0 0 154 154 20 21
Week 05 0 0 49 49 0 0
Week 04 0 0 49 49 0 0
Week 03 0 0 246 247 21 27
Week 02 0 0 146 146 11 13
Week 01 0 0 148 148 10 10
Week 52 0 0 220 220 12 15
Week 51 0 0 49 49 0 0
Highest 56,331 4,222,227 720 986 805 892
Monthly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 0.0 0.0 675.7 677.8 81.2 99.4
This Month 0 0 547 548 44 47
Last Month 0 0 875 875 64 80
December 24 0 0 775 777 72 89
November 24 0 0 604 605 102 116
October 24 0 0 679 681 97 113
September 24 0 0 644 646 69 83
August 24 0 0 662 662 95 137
July 24 0 0 705 717 86 117
June 24 0 0 628 629 99 125
May 24 0 0 638 638 84 87
Highest 237,448 17,442,279 1,665 2,177 2,561 2,890
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 3,785,764 81,462,991 97,669 106,568 70,245 76,004