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Dawn Of Hope

Dawn Of Hope

Dawn Of Hope

A fateful Attack on Brulsose Academy led to several kidnapped, several dead and even more wounded. The Dark Arts group known as The Cult of Entropy is on the rise, allegedly torturing those that they took from the attack in order to pull them onto their side. Their forces grow and those on the side of the Ministry are becoming restless, so what is going to happen to those that refuse? Darkness is on the rise and The Ministry is scrambling to recover those that were taken as well as find those that are responsible for the attack in order to prevent something worse from coming to pass. What’s next for The Cult of Entropy and will the Ministry be able to regain control or will it fall to this new found threat? Which side are you on, Darkness or Light? Join us and help to either defeat the forces of Evil or assist in toppling the Ministry?

Member Since: 2020-08-11 10:52:59
Average Rating: 0 / 5
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