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Champion of the Gods

Champion of the Gods

Champion of the Gods

Champion of the Gods is a roleplaying forum with original lore and ideas. Welcome to Akkiven, a medieval world where the gods are a part of everyday life. The people of this world have seen miracles and proof of their gods' existence. It is commonplace to invoke them during different parts of the day. Invoke to god of the harvest, Vemus, when you tend to your farm or garden, and he'll bless your crop. Akkiven has lived like this for centuries, in a Golden Age. But long ago, something happened that would become a bedtime story for children. To start, we need to go back to the origin of the world. The world came to be when two gods blinked into existence. The goddess of light, Pauline, and the god of darkness, Hal. Together, the contrasting gods brought the idea of light and shadows to the world, both literally and figuratively. The world was in balance. Then, came others. Utyx, the god of humanity, brought in the first humans. Quickly, he was followed by the god of conflict, Rodney, and the goddess of love, Vodta. Both were surprisingly fast in becoming important gods to the humans. More and more came, filling the ranks. But then... just as the humans were starting to evolve, famine and disease became rampant. This was caused by Hal, the god of darkness. Many people died, and the gods were angry. They directed their anger at Hal and kicked him out of the pantheon. Hal drifted away, never to be seen again. The famine lifted. The disease stopped. Other, friendly races started to appear, such as the lizardmen and dwarves. And thus, Akkiven entered the Golden Age it's still in today. Now the gods, in order to better understand and help the humans, each have a human champion. This champion helps them make decisions and fights battles for them in the real world. You are one such champion. But Hal never really left. Shadows and darkness continue to exist. And now he's back. And he's got a champion too.

Member Since: 2021-03-01 20:02:15
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