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Votes Reset in 28 days, 17 hours and 38 minutes.

Votes: 0

A post Potter rpg site with active staff and members with an ever growing plot and friendly atmosphere! We're a family at ALOHOMORA. Just when the wizarding world thought all was safe, a new evil is rising. People are dying and our old heroes are...

Category: Harry Potter
Votes: 0
Blood Bound

It is time for a new world. The creatures one thought was nothing more then fairy tales have been pushed into the lime light. The fae have just revealed themselves dragging the werewolves along for the ride. Other supernaturals slipped into hiding for a...

Category: Fantasy
Votes: 0
SilverShadow City

The city was in utter chaos, the packs were at war and were seeking aid from the witches and vampires. People were being slaughtered left and right, innocent or not. The gods had finally had enough and had sent down their sons and daughters to make peace...

Category: Fantasy
Votes: 0
Alternate Existence

A new and instantly updating forum to remove the need for constant page refreshing. Lets uses create groups with access to their own private forum sections

Category: General
Votes: 0
Dawn of the Dragon

The conquest of Westeros has finally come to a staggering halt. The continent has not only seen the might of the dragons, but have felt the intense heats of its fire-breath. What was once broken into separate kingdoms is now made whole. With the...

Category: Fantasy
Votes: 0
Outcasts - Yosemite

A human AU of "Warriors" set in Yosemite National Park.

Category: Modern
Erebos: House of Darkness

Rising up among the lush vineyards of Napa Valley, rigid glass and steel spires cast long shadows across the bustling metropolis. The crowded city provides refuge for more than three million people who live out their existence with their eyes firmly...

Category: Fantasy
Votes: 0
Star Wars Odyssey

Welcome to Star Wars Odyssey, an international role-playing community for mature gaming enthusiasts and fans of the STAR WARS universe. Our RPG is a hybrid of West End Games D6 SWRPG and the D20 SW Role-Playing Game by Wizards of the Coast. We pride...

Category: Sci-Fi
Votes: 0
Warrior Cats Remade!

This is a Warrior cats Fanfiction RolePlay site, new clans, new lands, and new cats and leaders! Starclan and the social structure is still the same, and there are still four clans.

Category: Animal
Votes: 0

Profane is an LGBT-friendly RP set in the Caribbean featuring werewolves, witches, vampires hunters, kelpies, undines, naga and fae and welcomes a wide range of faces and characters.

Category: Fantasy
Votes: 0
Ash Moon Owl Roleplay

18+ Roleplay for adults who love writing, butts, and places they can feel comfortable doing both.

Category: General
Kissed By Fire - AU GOT RP

An AU Game of Thrones/ASOIAF site, Kissed By Fire seeks to not only put you in the vibrant lore of the GOT world but to expand on it. Set in an alternate timeline where Rhaegar Targaryen survived Robert's Rebellion and continues his rule over...

Category: Fanfiction
Votes: 0
blood & bone

It's the year 2095. 85 years have passed since the virus DraC-2 first appeared in society, ravaging the world and infecting humans indiscriminately. The consequences of being infected by the virus were not immediate, but once the true nature of the...

Category: Sci-Fi
Votes: 0
Immortal Gates

Post Apocalyptic world where Demons have taken over the Earth. Angels are hiding among the humans - There is still hope, but the world is a far cry from what it used to be.

Category: Fantasy
Votes: 0
Pradua RP

A future earth where the Gifted have taken over and created a brand-new civilization.

Category: Sci-Fi
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