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In Humanitys Shadow

In Humanitys Shadow

In Humanitys Shadow

Something broke the foundations of reality, creating rifts in time, space and all dimensions. To this day it is still unknown what happened to create such a catastrophic event. What is known is that Proteus and his attacks on New York did not help matters, splitting things further and taking people from one reality into another - a reality with no powers, mutations or gifted people that can call the place home. The rifts now lead to one specific place, taking all your favorite Marvel characters and dropping them in a world that does not even know they exist. There are no X-men the Avengers have not been assembled even the Sinister Six and the Brotherhood of Mutants are fresh concepts. Every group is ready to be reformed as heroes and villains alike find themselves in a world inhabited only by humans that no doubt have their own mixed feelings on these new residents of their universe. There is no doubt that some people on both sides will be unhappy with the situation and others will be accepting of the outcome. It is up to each individual to find their way in life and for the characters of the Marvel universes to find their own way in humanitys shadow.

Member Since: 2017-08-20 14:16:56
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